Climate and development action requires political will and financial support

The Global Solidarity Levies Task Force: For People and the Planet brings together countries from around the world to advance options for international levies that will raise much needed revenue to fight against climate change and support development and nature.

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Launched at COP28 in November 2023, and co-chaired by Barbados, France and Kenya, the Global Solidarity Levies Task Force: For People and the Planet brings member countries together to explore feasible, scalable and sensible options for climate levies. These levies can be implemented to help the world fulfil its Paris Agreement commitments.

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Our mandate

The Global Solidarity Levies Task Force: For People and the Planet has received the highest possible level of endorsement from the founding countries. Its mandate builds on the Outcome of the Global Stocktake and complements other initiatives including the call for a UN Tax Convention and the OECD’s two-pillar global tax reform.

Who we are

The task force is led by co-chairs Barbados, France, and Kenya. Other member states include Antigua & Barbuda, Colombia, Senegal Marshall Islands, and Spain, with the European Commission, IMF and United Nations observing.

The task force’s secretariat is hosted by the European Climate Foundation, and co-led by ECF Chief Executive Laurence Tubiana.

Each country co-chair has appointed a special Sherpa to the task force:

Aurelien Lechevallier

Director General for Globalization at the Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs, France

Dr. Arnold McIntyre

Principal Technical Advisor, Barbados

Ali Mohamed

Climate Change Envoy, Kenya




Launch of the Global Solidarity Levies Task Force


Task Force governance and strategy created and agreed; staff recruited and work begins.



19-21 April, Washington DC, USA / Spring Meetings of the IMF & WB

Agreement on the task force’s workplan. Launch of impact studies on selected solidarity levy options. Literature review and analysis on how the solidarity levies could be designed. Research phase begins. Interested countries and institutions are invited to learn more about the task force’s work and support it.


Research undertaken into five potential solidarity levies – these are known as issue statements. The research looks at the technical and political feasibility of each levy and suggests avenues for further examination regarding potential impact. This work helps us narrow down the scope.


10-24 September: UNGA, New York, USA / Co-chair ministers meeting

Issue statements completed and shared with task force members. Over the following months, the task force will identify which solidarity levy or levies are most feasible. Impact assessments will be undertaken for each feasible levy. Engagement with relevant and interested countries and institutions.


11-24 November: Baku COP29 / Co-chair Heads of State or Government meeting

The GSLTF co-chairs’ Heads of State or Government are expected to issue a joint declaration agreeing the next steps, including which solidarity levies will be taken forward in 2025 for further examination. They will also grant the task force the mandate to start discussions on how to allocate revenues. Proposed language around solidarity levies, or equivalent, to be included in the COP29 conclusions.


Continued bilateral and multilateral discussions progress to build up a coalition of willing countries behind potential solidarity levies. Continued research



Impact assessments published for public consultation.


April: Washington DC Spring Meetings of the IMF & WB

Continued refinements of proposed solidarity levy (levies) and feedback from relevant stakeholders.


30 June – 4 July International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD)

Launch of proposed solidarity levy (or levies), to fund climate and development action, backed by a coalition of the willing. Discussions begin to agree on the negotiation format. Language around solidarity levies, or equivalent, could be included in the FFD UN text.

September: UNGA, New York

Formal meeting of the sherpa group

Agreement on the final design of the new levy (or levies) + Lead countries on each solidarity levy decide on a final outreach plan

Belem, COP30

Heads of state/government meeting

Co-chairs’ Heads of State or Government issue a series of joint declarations agreeing to implement a new international solidarity levy (or equivalents) at domestic level or in a relevant international forum.


The Global Solidarity Levies Task Force: For People and the Planet was launched in November 2023 by Barbados, France and Kenya.

The task force members include: Barbados, France, Kenya, Antigua & Barbuda, Colombia, Marshall Islands, Senegal, Spain, and Denmark.

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