On April 19th, the Global Solidarity Levies Task Force, co-chaired by France, Kenya, and Barbados, held a Civil Society Organization (CSO) convening organized by the ITTF’s Secretariat and moderated by Laurence Tubiana, co-lead of the Secretariat. The event aimed to gather expertise and input on levies from nearly 60 attendees, both in-person and online.
During the meeting, Laurence Tubiana and Aurélien Lechevallier, the French government’s sherpa, reviewed the Task Force’s progress and discussed the various levy strategies that could be deployed to fund a just transition.
Civil society representatives from across the world asked questions concerning the initiative’s political backing, its adherence to the UN Convention on International Tax Cooperation, and strategies for the collection and redistribution of revenues to vulnerable countries.
Tubiana noted the GSLTF’s collaboration with the UN Tax Convention Committee, and that its chair, Ramy Youssef Mohammed, had joined the ITTF Expert Group.
Lechevallier emphasized the importance of political leaders understanding the Task Force’s goals, viewing concurrent UN processes as an opportunity to enhance focus on levies, while Tubiana highlighted the Task Force’s commitment to involving voices from developing and vulnerable countries, both in its membership and through strong representation in its Expert Group and future Secretariat leadership.
Tubiana also proposed hosting a major civil society gathering in Brazil before COP30, reminiscent of the 2001 Forum Social in Porto Alegre, to build support for innovative and equitable climate finance solutions.
Concluding the event, Tubiana committed to regular updates and consultations with Civil Society Organizations, committing to a minimum of quarterly meetings. She also laid out a plan to establish a formal process for incorporating their input, potentially publishing some contributions to bolster political momentum for international levy reform aimed at climate action and development.
Full list of participants to the consultation:
Oxfam International, Oxfam USA, Global Citizen, Global Policy Forum Europe, CAN International, Misereor, EU Tax Observatory, Equal International, E3G, Africa Europe Foundation, IDDRI, Germanwatch, Brot für die Welt, Recourse, Gestos, Human Rights Watch, World Resources Institute (WRI) (US), NRDC, Christian Aid, Climate Works Foundation, TAI, Open Society Foundations, CESG, CESR, Oxfam FR, CARE FR, Opportunity Green, The One Campaign, Global Solutions Initiative, The Elders, Wildlife Conservation Society, Amnesty International, Amnesty International France, Financial Transparency Coalition, Innovea Inc and Innovea Development Foundation, WEED – World Economy, Ecology & Development, Eurodad, ECCO, Perspectives Climate Research, Italian Climate Network, Fair Tax Foundation (UK), Tax Justice UK, AfroLeadership, EcoEquity, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), African Climate Foundation, Youth for Tax Justice Network, CICTAR, ICS, Danish 92 Group, FiFo Köln, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Climate Action Network, Greenpeace, UCL
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